American vendace

NAME: American vendace

LATIN NAME: Coregonus artedi

FISHING AREA: caught in inland waters (Canada)

This is a freshwater fish that inhabits cold lakes in Canada. It is very sensitive to the oxygen content in the water, which indicates that it inhabits only the cleanest waters.

Its meat is tasty, white and elastic. It can be easily separated from the bones, which makes it a great choice for the youngest.

Recommended fried, baked or grilled.

On sale:


Size: no size

Packing: block, A 34.02 kg, IQF

Production: onshore

Origin: Canada


Size: no size

Packing: IQF, A 34.02 kg

Production: onshore

Origin: Canada



Lake Palia

NAME: Lake Palia

LATIN NAME: Salvelinus namaycush

FISHING AREA: caught in inland waters

Palia is a fish from the salmon family, inhabiting the deeper areas of cold and clean Canadian lakes. In Poland, this species does not occur in the wild.

Palia meat is pale pink to salmon, depending on the place of catch. It has a slightly creamy consistency, is delicate, juicy. There are few bones and they are very easy to remove.

Palia is not yet so popular in Poland, so it is a great proposition for customers who want to offer their guests something original. It can be prepared in many ways, e.g. in the oven with lemon slices and a bit of white wine.

On sale:


Size: 1.8-3.6 kg, 3.6 kg+


Packing: IQF, A 34.02 kg

Production: on land

Origin: Canada


Size: 1.8-3.6 kg

Packing: IQF, A 34.02 kg

Production: on land

Origin: Canada



Common pike

NAME: Common pike

LATIN NAME: Esox lucius

FISHING AREA: caught in inland waters (Canada)

Pike, also known as the king of freshwater predators. It is a true master – it attacks quickly, with great force, and its teeth, set inwards, mean that the captured victim has no chance of escaping.

The meat of pike is pearly white, delicate and tasty. It is appreciated by restaurateurs due to its originality and the very impressive appearance of the fish baked whole.

On sale:


Size: 0.5 – 1 kg, 1-2 kg


Packing: A34.02 kg, IQF

Production: land-based

Origin: Canada


Size: 1-2kg, 2-4kg

Packing: A 34.02 kg, IQF

Production: land-based

Origin: Canada


Size: 200-400

Packing: A5kg, IQF, 5% glaze

Production: land-based

Origin: Canada





NAME: Pike-perch

LATIN NAME: Sander lucioperca

FISHING AREA: caught in inland waters, FAO 27 N – eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean

Pike-perch is a predatory, freshwater fish from the perch family. It occurs in Europe – but only from the Rhine and Rhone basins to the Caspian Sea, as well as in the south of England.

Many people claim that pike-perch is one of the tastiest freshwater fish. Its meat is white, lean, delicate and juicy. It is a source of easily digestible protein. It contains a large dose of vitamin D, B12 and a lot of selenium.

Pike-perch can be grilled, fried, baked, stewed, steamed. It tastes good with sauces – for example mint or lemon.

On sale:


Size: 170-230 (glaze 20%), 300-500 (glaze 20%),

Packing: Ca 5kg, IQF

Production: land-based

Origin: Turkey, Kazakhstan



sandacz pospolity - filet


Rainbow trout

NAME: Rainbow trout

LATIN NAME: Oncorhynchus mykiss

FISHING AREA: breeding

Trout is a freshwater fish that naturally occurs in cold, clean streams and lakes. Currently, it is eagerly bred in many countries around the world.

Trout meat is pearly white to pale pink. It has a creamy consistency, is delicate and juicy. Its taste goes well with lemon, garlic and butter. Among freshwater fish, it stands out for its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and is a source of easily digestible protein. It is also a lean and low-calorie fish, so baked in foil or steamed, it should be included in the menu of all those who care about their figure.

On sale:


Size: 350- 400, 400-450, 500-700

Packing: IQF, A10

Production: breeding

Origin: Turkey, Chile



Pstrąg filet



NAME: Toothfish

LATIN NAME: Dissostichus eleginoides

FISHING AREA: FAO 41 S-W Atlantic Ocean, FAO 87 S-E Pacific Ocean, FAO 81 S-W Pacific Ocean, FAO 88 Arctic Pacific Ocean, FAO 48 Arctic Pacific Ocean, FAO 58 Arctic and S Indian Ocean,

Patagonian toothfish is also called a wryneck. It is a fish from the nototheniidae family, found mainly in the waters of the Subantarctic and off the coast of Argentina, the Falkland Islands, the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Kerguelen Islands.

The meat is white, and tastes like cod. This fish is not very popular in Poland, but it is appreciated by consumers in the United States, Argentina and Japan, where it is a common ingredient in sushi and its price is really high.

On sale:


Size: 100-300, 300-600, 600-800, 800-1000


Packing: INT, Ca20

Production: marine

Origin: Spain








NAME: Notothenia

LATIN NAME: Notothenia rossii

FISHING AREA: FAO 41 south-western part of the Atlantic Ocean

Notothenia is a predatory fish from the perch family. It lives in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic waters. It is not caught on a large scale.

Anyone who does not know this fish must definitely try it as soon as possible. Its meat is delicate, juicy, white. It only has bones near the spine, so it can be successfully given even to children. Although it grows to a large size, small pieces are usually available in Poland, which makes it a good option for people who want a small portion of fish. It tastes great both fried, baked and in vinegar marinade.

On sale:


Size: 100-300


Packing: SHP, Ca20

Production: marine

Origin: Spain



 ryby mrożone - nototenia Nototenia tusza wędzona na gorąco




NAME: Brotola

LATIN NAME: Brotula barbata

FISHING AREA: FAO 34 eastern – central Atlantic Seaboard, FAO 31 western Atlantic Seaboard, FAO 41 southern – western Atlantic Seaboard, FAO 47 southern – eastern Atlantic Seaboard

On sale:


Size: 150-300, 300-500, 400-600


Packing: SHP, A20

Production: marine

Origin: Spain







Royal burbot

NAME: Royal burbot, Ocean burbot

LATIN NAME: Genypterus capensis, Genypterus blacodes


A species of fish from the family Slippery. The meat is delicate, white, sometimes described as slightly sweet, some consumers think it tastes like cod. It is practically devoid of side bones, so the meat is easy to separate from the spine. It offers a lot of possibilities in the kitchen. It can be fried, grilled, stewed, baked. We recommend preparing burbot in oranges, with ginger and soy sauce.

In sale:


Size: 200-400, 300-500, 400-600, 600-800


Packing: SHP, Ca20

Production: marine

Origin: Spain





NAME: Kerguelena

LATIN NAME: Champsocephalus gunnari

FISHING AREA: FAO 48 Arctic part of the Atlantic Ocean, FAO 58 Arctic and southern part of the Indian Ocean

Kergulena inhabits the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. Consumers around the world appreciate its taste. The meat is white, compact, and easily comes off the bones. Due to its excellent taste, we suggest frying it in the traditional way with the addition of salt and pepper.

Due to its taste and small size, it is an excellent option for restaurants.

On sale:

KERGULENA HEADED (frozen with entrails)

Size: 200+


Packing: IQF, A5kg (20% glaze)

Production: marine

Origin: Chile


Size: 250+

Packing: IQF, A5kg

Production: marine

Origin: Chile