NAME: Toothfish
LATIN NAME: Dissostichus eleginoides
FISHING AREA: FAO 41 S-W Atlantic Ocean, FAO 87 S-E Pacific Ocean, FAO 81 S-W Pacific Ocean, FAO 88 Arctic Pacific Ocean, FAO 48 Arctic Pacific Ocean, FAO 58 Arctic and S Indian Ocean,
Patagonian toothfish is also called a wryneck. It is a fish from the nototheniidae family, found mainly in the waters of the Subantarctic and off the coast of Argentina, the Falkland Islands, the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Kerguelen Islands.
The meat is white, and tastes like cod. This fish is not very popular in Poland, but it is appreciated by consumers in the United States, Argentina and Japan, where it is a common ingredient in sushi and its price is really high.
On sale:
Size: 100-300, 300-600, 600-800, 800-1000
Packing: INT, Ca20
Production: marine
Origin: Spain
NAME: Notothenia
LATIN NAME: Notothenia rossii
FISHING AREA: FAO 41 south-western part of the Atlantic Ocean
Notothenia is a predatory fish from the perch family. It lives in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic waters. It is not caught on a large scale.
Anyone who does not know this fish must definitely try it as soon as possible. Its meat is delicate, juicy, white. It only has bones near the spine, so it can be successfully given even to children. Although it grows to a large size, small pieces are usually available in Poland, which makes it a good option for people who want a small portion of fish. It tastes great both fried, baked and in vinegar marinade.
On sale:
Size: 100-300
Packing: SHP, Ca20
Production: marine
Origin: Spain
NAME: Brotola
LATIN NAME: Brotula barbata
FISHING AREA: FAO 34 eastern – central Atlantic Seaboard, FAO 31 western Atlantic Seaboard, FAO 41 southern – western Atlantic Seaboard, FAO 47 southern – eastern Atlantic Seaboard
On sale:
Size: 150-300, 300-500, 400-600
Packing: SHP, A20
Production: marine
Origin: Spain
Royal burbot
NAME: Royal burbot, Ocean burbot
LATIN NAME: Genypterus capensis, Genypterus blacodes
A species of fish from the family Slippery. The meat is delicate, white, sometimes described as slightly sweet, some consumers think it tastes like cod. It is practically devoid of side bones, so the meat is easy to separate from the spine. It offers a lot of possibilities in the kitchen. It can be fried, grilled, stewed, baked. We recommend preparing burbot in oranges, with ginger and soy sauce.
In sale:
Size: 200-400, 300-500, 400-600, 600-800
Packing: SHP, Ca20
Production: marine
Origin: Spain
NAME: Kerguelena
LATIN NAME: Champsocephalus gunnari
FISHING AREA: FAO 48 Arctic part of the Atlantic Ocean, FAO 58 Arctic and southern part of the Indian Ocean
Kergulena inhabits the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. Consumers around the world appreciate its taste. The meat is white, compact, and easily comes off the bones. Due to its excellent taste, we suggest frying it in the traditional way with the addition of salt and pepper.
Due to its taste and small size, it is an excellent option for restaurants.
On sale:
KERGULENA HEADED (frozen with entrails)
Size: 200+
Packing: IQF, A5kg (20% glaze)
Production: marine
Origin: Chile
Size: 250+
Packing: IQF, A5kg
Production: marine
Origin: Chile
NAME: Pollock
LATIN NAME: Gadus chalcogrammus
FISHING AREA: FAO 61 NW Pacific Ocean, FAO 67 N – eastern Pacific Ocean
Polllock is a fish from the cod family. It occurs in the seas of the northern Pacific. It is of great importance in fishing, especially Korean and Japanese. It is also very popular in Poland.
Pollock meat is creamy-white, tasty, delicate and juicy. It is a lean fish, rich in potassium, phosphorus and vitamin D and selenium. Recommended for people on a reducing diet.
The fish can be prepared in many ways. It loses the least valuable nutrients when steamed and baked. It goes well with dill sauce and spinach. It is also a good option for Greek fish.
On sale:
Size: 200-400, 400-600
Packing: SHP, A 20.43 kg
Production: sea, land
Origin: Russia
NAME: Tilapia
LATIN NAME: Cichlidae
Tilapia lives mainly in Africa in its natural conditions. The one available on the market comes from farms.
Its meat is lean and is a source of easily digestible protein and vitamin D, B12, phosphorus and potassium. Tilapia tastes delicate and juicy, it is very easy to fillet, it does not have small, troublesome bones. When fried, it gives off a negligible amount of a typical fishy smell. It can be fried, grilled, steamed.
On sale:
Size: 300-500, 500-700
Packing: IQF, A 5kg, 20% glaze
Production: land-based
Origin: Vietnam
NAME: Limanda yellowfin
LATIN NAME: Limanda aspera
FISHING AREA: FAO 67 N – eastern part of the Pacific Ocean, FAO 18 Arctic Ocean, FAO 77 eastern – central part of the Pacific Ocean
Limanda is a fish from the flounder family, with a characteristic, flattened body. Popular in Poland for several years, but often incorrectly called “sole”.
Limanda meat is white, delicate, juicy and neutral in taste. After filleting, we obtain completely boneless pieces. Due to the fact that it is almost devoid of the characteristic, fishy smell, it gives us a range of possibilities in the kitchen. We can serve it, for example, with lemon sauce or mango mousse or prepare a delicious Thai soup based on it.
On sale:
Size: 300-500, 500-700, 700-900
Packing: IQF, 5kg, 20% glaze
NAME: Panga
LATIN NAME: Megalaspis cordyla
FISHING AREA: breeding
Panga is a breeding fish. Depending on the breeding intensity, it has different nutritional value. Its meat is white, completely devoid of the taste and smell characteristic of fish. Its advantage is also its low price.
On sale:
Size: 220-280 g
Packing: SHP, A 10 kg
Production: breeding
Origin: China
NAME: Tuna
LATIN NAME: Thunnus albacares
FISHING AREA: FAO 77, FAO 81, FAO 87, FAO 31, FAO 41, FAO 34, FAO 47, FAO 51, FAO 57, FAO 71, FAO 77, FAO 81
Tuna is a perch-shaped, predatory sea fish. Its fishing began in ancient times.
Tuna meat is pink-red to purple, which is caused by the presence of myoglobin in the muscles, which stores oxygen in the tissues.
The meat is considered a delicacy and reaches very high prices. It is a low-calorie fish, with a high content of nutrients. It is very tasty, compact and juicy. People who have not tried this fish before often confuse it with well-prepared, soft beef. It can be eaten smoked, dried, preserved, raw or traditionally served in the form of steaks.
This item cannot be missing from your assortment.
On sale:
Size: 2 – 3 kg
Packing: A 20 kg, A 25 kg
Production: marine
Origin: Vietnam